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Monday, August 22, 2016

5 Questions I'll Ask Myself on the Last Day of School

Today was the 1st day of school and MAN, it FLEW by!  I had a blast with my new Red 4 learners! #rjlred  I hope everyone had as much fun as I did.  Despite my need for rest and sleep, I still knocked out my weightlifting exercises for today! Win!!

Got my workout in!

Today my learners' reflections were to ask themselves 5 questions that they'll answer on the last day of school to show their growth and possible changes throughout the year.  The questions were meant to be open-ended, no yes or no questions.  On the last day of school, they will answer them interview style.  

Got the idea from #CISDconvo16 @gcouros 

I decided to do the same thing as my reflection for today.

Here goes:

  1. What is something that has surprised you about this year?
  2. What was your favorite moment with your class from this year?
  3. How did the club you want to start this year (more information to come) go?
  4. What are some ways you coped with stress and stayed positive this school year?
  5. What is something you learned about yourself as an educator? 


  1. so proud of you, Priscilla! Keep blogging, working out, and finding that balance. You are doing an excellent job in #rjlred!

  2. Great questions! I'll be anxious to see how your responses change throughout the year. Curious about the club!

  3. Love this idea! It will be fun for them to see their own growth.
