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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Meet the Designer Night

What a success this night was! I enjoyed visiting with my learners and their families. It was wonderful to finally get to meet them. 

I cannot wait to see how the learners use and enjoy their space on the first day of school!  

I need to get to bed now.  I'm actually finishing this post on Sunday, the night before school.  I know that the night before school every single year, my brain goes into over drive and I can't stop thinking about the next day.  I'm sure my learners are going to go through the same thing tonight.  I'm not used to going to bed early (and it won't be early tonight), so this is going to be a transition for me and probably my learners as well.

Well, here's to a WONDERFUL first day of school!!!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Significant Learning for New Hire Training in CISD Part 1

Even though the training this week was only 3 days long and we did get let out earlier than I expected we would (I appreciate that), I learned SO much!

One thing I learned was that I was born to teach in Coppell ISD.  Seriously.  I absolutely LOVE how supportive, innovative, and genuinely happy everyone is!  People (including me) were excited each day to learn new things, and all of the wonderful presenters clearly love their jobs. (Love is apparently going to be a resounding theme in this post.)  We did all of the activities the presenters had planned for us with enthusiasm.  This is the place to be!  It was like being a kid in school again.  Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE and miss being in school!!

I'd like to share some key aspects of the various presentations.  It will help me internalize my learning, but also, I'm a GRRRREAT note-taker.  If you didn't take that many notes during the week, you're in luck!  Here goes:

Tracey Wallace said:
  • If you don't miss any days for sick or personal, you get $500!!  If you miss only 1 day, you get $200.  I don't know about you, but that is a nice little goal to work towards.  Could help fund a summer vacation.  Just sayin'.
  • Set up yourself into the substitute system so that you can record absences if you need to!! 
Planning for Technology Integration
  • There's a time and a place for each level
  • How do you DESIGN for technology integration?
  • Start with the skills- Tech TEKS
  • See what others are doing - Twitter
  • Find a vehicle
  • Ask for help 
Curriculum and Instruction
  • "If we teach today's students as we taught yesterday's, we rob them of tomorrow." John Dewey
  • Tweet Beam- a place to show people's tweets as they come in- use a common hashtag. 
    • I think this is a cool way to share people's thoughts on a topic.
  • The Learning Framework:
    • Chapter 1: Environment
    • Chapter 2: Learner/Educator
    • Chapter 3: Curriculum Design
    • Chapter 4: Learning Design
    • Ch 4 Part 2: Learning design and Integration of Technology
    • Chapter 5: Assessment
    • Ch 5 Part 2: Grading Beliefs & Best Practices
We spent time with the Learning Framework and did many activities. I plan to use these in the classroom in various ways.  They are described below:
  •  Swap Meet- students write 1-2 sentences of profound learning on a colored index card (provide 1 of each of multiple colors for each table group).  They get up when done, music plays for 10 sec, and they walk around and locate someone with the same color card.  When music stops, they share and discuss their cards, then switch cards.  Repeat. Repeat, but they find someone with different color.  Repeat until they have seen all of the different colors.  Anyone left without a partner should be invited into a group.  This is the norm.
    • The Swap Meet worked well with the Learning Framework because there were different chapters that are all important that we needed an intro to so we can become familiar and "experts" on all.
  • Using random and different materials, we then created a transformed and welcoming learning environment in groups.  Materials used: Play-Dough, deck of cards, Lego blocks, etc

    • We all participated in this, and had tons of fun!  I noticed that when one group member came up with an awesome idea, it spurred even more creativity in the group.  There was no limit to what we could make!  
    • After we finished designing a learning space, we had a gallery walk to see all the other group's learning spaces, but we left a "docent" behind at our table.  This person was an expert that was there to explain our concept ideas and answer any questions.  
    • This kind of activity will give learners to become experts after practicing their speeches repeatedly.  It also encourages creativity and group collaboration.
I am excited to use the strategies and activities above in my classroom!  I am inspired more and more every time I attend professional learning. Thanks, CISD for providing such amazing learning experiences for the teacher learners!!!!


Monday, July 21, 2014

Getting Started & Already Setting Goals!

Hello Everyone!

So, this is my first. Blog. EVER.  I have been meaning to do this for weeks now.  Ever since the  # iDesign 2014 training I had about blogging.  (Trying to find a new home and day care, then relocating and unpacking kind of had all of my attention for a while.) Thanks @gcouros for the awesome inspiration that you gave me to do this.  Not to mention fellow #RJLyear1 teacher bloggers.

 I am excited about using this blog to help me grow and reflect as an educator.  I've taught for 6 years, but I am always open to learn and try new things.

After reading fellow teacher and blogger, Cassie Knight's blog post about goals, I realized that this is a very good idea indeed.

So, here goes:
Click on images to go to sites where I got the images from.

  1. Prioritize.  I've been known to have a lot of things going at once, and then I just look around and wonder, "What do I do now?" with a complete mess surrounding me.  Make a to-do list.  Stick to it and know that not everything needs to get done today. (Yes Aaron (my husband) I know you say this ALL the time.  For once, I think I'll try listening to you.) This is something I REALLY need to work on.  Anyone who knows me knows this.  If you see me getting swamped and stressed, please remind me to do this!
  2. Reflect daily.  If an activity we do  in class is very successful with students fully engaged, motivated, and self-directed, then I need to write about it and share it!  Or if I learn something that knocks my socks off in professional development, then share share share it! If I need help tweaking an idea or need feedback, I should write about it and see what others think.
Time to think 
       3. Exercise. For fun. For fitness. To help de-stress.  Be consistent and make always make time for it.  I tend to get caught up in what I need to do for work or at home, and then I make excuses that I'm just too tired to do anything.  But if I would just give exercise half a chance, it ALWAYS makes me feel better.  (Between you and me, I think I'll need to refer to this bullet quite often.  Especially in the midst of an excuse.) (Once again, Aaron, I will listen to you more in this department too.  I'm sure you are smiling right now.)

exercise1 Top 10 Ways to Keep yourself Healthy 

        4. Enjoy the great outdoors with my family.  I love my new neighborhood, city of Carrollton, and nearby parks and trails.  I just want to discover all there is to discover about our new area.  There is always something interesting and educational (for my little girl) here.  I also like connecting nature to the classroom.  The math teacher in me wants to ask my future students, what math related things can they see in the picture below? My little girl LOVES this park by the way!

Mary Heads Carter grand re-opening

      5.  Build strong & long-lasting relationships with my RJL staff and students.  I'm so excited to get to know each and everyone of my team, house, and school mates!  I can't wait to learn from you all.  Everyone has been so friendly and welcoming :)  I love my new job and school!  I'm also super excited about meeting my new students!!  I LOVE school!  Am I a dork or what?

I have a memory from when I was in Kindergarten.  I lived a block away from my school.  We used to pass by the school in the early morning (5 am) to take my dad to work.  I would always beg Mommy to PLEASE let me go to school at that time.  "Why doesn't school start now Mommy?  Why can't I go early?"  I loved it with a passion then, and I still do.  

My 1st day of 1st grade! (old pic I know)

I want to instill this passion for school and education in my students.  Every single day.  I think it'll just rub off of me, don't you think?


I think I'm done with my first post.  My daughter was such a patient trooper too!  Thanks Ashlyn!
