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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

I'm Grateful...

So, it's been a while...

I haven't blogged lately, and that's a problem.  I aspire to be a writer someday, so I definitely need to work on this.

This blog post will be about what I am grateful for this year.  It just so happens that our theme this school year is #AttitudeofGratitude.

  1. An amazing administrative team that supports me, encourages me, and motivates me to keep learning and doing great things.
  2. A husband that is there when I need him.  This week I needed to practice my district presentations, and he was a fantastic audience with constructive feedback.
  3. The opportunity to work closely with some talented and enthusiastic educators in my house, on the specials team, and throughout the building and district.
  4. The fact that I get to see my daughter everyday at work because she attends Lee as a first grader.
  5. I can try new things and take risks, and that's okay.
  6. Support at the campus and district level for me to be the best educator I can be.
  7. A terrific summer in which I got to recharge, walk each day, travel, and hang out with family and friends.
I could seriously go on and on, but I'll stop here for now.

Educators, Learners, Parents: What are you grateful for as the new school year begins?

Community Members: What is something you are grateful for lately in your day, week, month, etc?