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Friday, August 7, 2020

School is going to look a little bit different this year...but what matters most?

As school starts up in these uncertain times of COVID-19, one thing is for sure: it is crucial that we designers make MANY meaningful connections with each and every learner as OFTEN as we can.

Here are some things I plan to do this year to make that happen:
  1. Classroom meetings with each and every class. I will have at least 700 learners this year. It will take time for me to get to know each learner, but I will because they matter to me. This will start out as Zoom meetings as we begin our year virtually.  As the school year progresses, I am not sure how long we will be offering distance learning, but I am sure that I still want to connect with my classes. DAILY.
  2. Design experiences for my learners that will give them an opportunity to show who they are in creative and engaging ways. This will not only give me the opportunity to learn more about them, but their classmates as well.
  3. Offer some sort of club.  I am not sure on the specifics of what club I will host, when, or to how many learners. I do know that I always looked forward to my club meetings in the past because it gave me even more opportunities to connect with my learners outside of the normal class setting. This club will look a little bit different, as it will have to be all virtual through Zoom.  I haven't planned out anything specific yet, but I know that it is important to me. I will make it happen.  Stay tuned...


That's what I have so far.  My brain is full of all of the learning I've been soaking in this week and over the summer.  I have missed my learners over these past few months, and I can't wait to reconnect with them soon!

#RJLYear 7

If you are a teacher, what are some things you plan to do to build strong relationships with your learners?

If you are a student, what are some activities your class could do virtually or in person that could help you all grow closer and get to know each other better?

If you are a parent, what could your child's teacher do to show they care and want to know your child better?

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